my profil

Foto saya
cilacap, jawa tenggah, Indonesia
my name GANDA SAPTA N, I am a technique student of informatika D3 in a polytechnic university of cilacap. I have dream become a expert ang in area of informatika and all area of pemrograman. this blog was I present to make all of you which wish knew and recognize me clearer and become friend of account my, hopefully friends all enjoying services which I give and lick lips visited my blog and hopefully be of benefit to friend all. Thenkyu Matur have visited my blog.. SAFE ENJOYING him.... DON'T FORGET TO FILL LIST ATTEND YES"?????...

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Frame Relay adalah protokol packet-switching yang menghubungkan perangkat-perangkat telekomunikasi pada satu Wide Area Network (WAN).[1] Protokol ini bekerja pada lapisan Fisik dan Data Link pada model referensi OSI.[2] Protokol Frame Relay menggunakan struktur Frame yang menyerupai LAPD, perbedaannya adalah Frame Header pada LAPD digantikan oleh field header sebesar 2 bita pada Frame Relay
Keuntungan Frame Relay
Frame Relay menawarkan alternatif bagi teknologi Sirkuit Sewa lain seperti jaringan X.25 dan sirkuit Sewa biasa. Kunci positif teknologi ini adalah:

* Sirkuit Virtual hanya menggunakan lebar pita saat ada data yang lewat di dalamnya, banyak sirkuit virtual dapat dibangun secara bersamaan dalam satu jaringan transmisi.
* Kehandalan saluran komunikasi dan peningkatan kemampuan penanganan error pada perangkat-perangkat telekomunikasi memungkinkan protokol Frame Relay untuk mengacuhkan Frame yang bermasalah (mengandung error) sehingga mengurangi data yang sebelumnya diperlukan untuk memproses penanganan error

Standarisasi Frame Relay
Proposal awal mengenai teknologi Frame Relay sudah diajukan ke CCITT semenjak tahun 1984, namun perkembangannya saat itu tidak signifikan karena kurangnya interoperasi dan standarisasi dalam teknologi ini. Perkembangan teknologi ini dimulai di saat Cisco, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Northern Telecom, dan StrataCom membentuk suatu konsorsium yang berusaha mengembangkan frame relay. Selain membahas dasar-dasar protokol Frame Relay dari CCITT, konsorsium ini juga mengembangkan kemampuan protokol ini untuk berinteroperasi pada jaringan yang lebih rumit. Kemampuan ini di kemudian hari disebut Local Management Interface (LMI)

Format Frame Relay terdiri atas bagian-bagian sebagai berikut:


Membatasi awal dan akhir suatu frame. Nilai field ini selalu sama dan dinyatakan dengan bilangan hexadesimal 7E atau 0111 1110 dalam format biner. Untuk mematikan bilangan tersebut tidak muncul pada bagian frame lainnya, digunakan prosedur Bit-stuffing dan Bit-destuffing


Terdiri dari beberapa informasi:

1. Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI), terdiri dari 10 bita, bagian pokok dari header Frame Relay dan merepresentasikan koneksi virtual antara DTE dan Switch Frame Relay. Tiap koneksi virtual memiliki 1 DLCI yang unik.
2. Extended Address (EA), menambah kemungkinan pengalamatan transmisi data dengan menambahkan 1 bit untuk pengalamatan
3. C/R, menentukan apakah frame ini termasuk dalam kategori Perintah (Command) atau Tanggapan (Response)
4. FECN (Forward Explicit Congestion Notification), indikasi jumlah frame yang dibuang karena terjadinya kongesti di jaringan tujuan
5. BECN (Backward Explicit Congestion Notification), indikasi jumlah frame yang mengarah ke switch FR tersebut tetapi dibuang karena terjadinya kongesti di jaringan asal
6. Discard Eligibility, menandai frame yang dapat dibuang jika terjadi kongesti di jaringan


Terdiri dari data pada layer di atasnya yang dienkapsulasi. Tiap frame yang panjangnya bervariasi ini dapat mencapai hingga 4096 oktet.
[sunting] Frame Check Sequence

Bertujuan untuk memastikan integritas data yang ditransmisikan. nilai ini dihitung perangkat sumber dan diverifikasi oleh penerima.

Sirkuit Virtual
Frame pada Frame Relay dikirimkan ke tujuannya dengan menggunakan sirkit virtual (jalur logikal dalam jaringan). Sirkit Virtual ini bisa berupa Sirkit Virtual Permanen (Permanent Virtual Circuit / PVC), atau Sirkit Virtual Switch (Switched Virtual Circuit / SVC)

Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC)

PVC adalah koneksi yang terbentuk untuk menghubungkan 2 peralatan secara terus menerus tanpa memperhitungkan apakah sedang ada komunikasi data yang terjadi di dalam sirkit tersebut. PVC tidak memerlukan proses pembangunan panggilan seperti pada SVC dan memiliki 2 status kerja:

1. Data Transfer, pengiriman data sedang terjadi dalam sirkit
2. Idle, koneksi antar titik masih aktif tapi tidak ada data yang dikirimkan dalam sirkit

Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC)

SVC adalah koneksi sementara yang terbentuk hanya pada kondisi dimana pengiriman data berlangsung. Status-status dalam koneksi ini adalah:

1. Call Setup, hubungan antar perangkat sedang dibangun
2. Data Transfer, data dikirimkan antar perangkat dalam sirkit virtual yang telah dibangun
3. Idle, ada koneksi aktif yang telah terbentuk, tetapi tidak ada data yang lewat di dalamnya
4. Call Termination, pemutusan hubungan antar perangkat, terjadi saat waktu idle melebihi patokan yang ditentukan

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

jaringan komputer

Belajar Jaringan komputer yuk….!!
Jaringan komputer terdiri atas sejumlah host dan konektivitasnya .
Host dapat berupa sebuah komputer: PC, mini atau jenis komputer lainnya.
Konektivitas dalam jaringan komputer berdasarkan media penghubungnya
          - wire (kabel)
                   = ethernet
                   = modem
           - wireless (tanpa kabel)
                   = radio modem
                   = infrared

Pengalamatan jaringan TCP/IP
Alamat memiliki bentuk. Ada pola.
1.nomor telepon: [kode negara]-[area]-[nomor pesawat]
2.Alamat rumah: [nama jalan] [nomor] [kota]
Ada hubungan antara nama dan alamat (siapa, dimana) dan disimpan dalam suatu sistem, buku alamat.
Format alamat 32 bit (4 oktet; oktet adalah sistem bilangan 8 biner).
Contoh: 1F.A3.4B.27 (Hexadesimal) = (desimal)
Kepemilikan alamat IP dicatat oleh Network Information Center (NIC)
Alamat TCP/IP terdiri atas bagian NETWORK dan bagian HOST
Bagian network mencakup alamat jaringan (biasa disebut sebagai NETWORK) dan netmask.
Netmask merupakan penyaring (masker) yang menunjukkan bagian NETWORK dari sebuah alamat.
Contoh 1:
Sejumlah komputer terhubung dalam satu jaringan dengan ketentuan sbb:
host: s/d
Dengan demikian, dalam jaringan tersebut maksimum dapat menampung 254 host.
Dalam pelatihan ini, tidak dijelaskan secara rinci tentang perhitungan biner dan mask. Peserta dianggap cukup mengerti bahwa “255″ berarti keseluruhan oktet digunakan sebagai alamat jaringan. Contoh kedua untuk menyatakan bahwa adanya penjelasan yang lebih tepat apabila peserta telah memahami perhitungan biner.
Contoh 2:
Sejumlah komputer terhubung dalam satu jaringan dengan ketentuan sbb:
host: s/d
Dengan demikian, dalam jaringan tersebut maksimum dapat menampung 14 host.
Pembagian alamat jenis class berdasarkan oktet pertama, yaitu:
1.0 s/d 127 (WAN?)
2.128 s/d 181 (MAN?)
3.192 s/d 223 (LAN?)
4.224 s/d 239 (Multicast)
5.Experimental/extended : 240 s/d 255
Alamat khusus
Identifikasi jaringan
Alamat broadcast
Loopback ( alamat yang menyatakan diri sendiri (”aku”).
Private Network: alamat-alamat tertentu yang boleh digunakan secara bebas, tetapi tidak ada di internet.
Pengelompokan kelas tersebut tidak efisien, banyak alamat yang tidak digunakan dan sulit mengendalikan jaringan kelas tinggi. Dalam praktek sebuah jaringan kelas apa pun dibagi lagi ke dalam sub-jaringan yang lebih kecil.
Utilitas UNIX: ifconfig
myHost# ifconfig ec0
ec0: flags=807
inet netmask fffff00 broadcast

myHost# ifconfig lo0
lo0: flags=49
inet netmask ff000000

myHost# ifconfig -a
---tampilkan semua interface dan settingnya
ec0 dan lo0 adalah kode alat (device) yang menghubungkan komputer ke jaringan.
Program ifconfig digunakan untuk:
mengaktifkan dan mendeaktifkan interface
mengaktifkan dan mendeaktifkan ARP pada interface (lihat alamat fisik)
mengaktifkan dan mendeaktifkan modus debug atas interface
menentukan alamat host, subnet mask, dan metode routing.
Utilitas MS-Windows: WINIPCFG atau IPCONFIG
MS-Windows: Start - Run -
Ketik: winipcfg
Mengganti konfigurasi IP dan netmask dari control panel - network - protocol - TCP/IP Gateway, host yang menghubungkan jaringan tersebut ke jaringan lain.
Arti DNS akan dijelaskan pada bagian berikutnya
Nama host dapat ditentukan sendiri dan bisa melanggar ketentuan dari DNS
Isian alamat server DNS berupa IP
Domain suffix untuk mempermudah pemanjangan nama.

Memeriksa Keterhubungan
Untuk memeriksa apakah sebuah komputer sudah terhubung dengan benar pada jaringan, digunakan utilitas PING yang memantulkan pesan.
Utilitas UNIX/MS-Windows: ping
MS-Windows: Start - Program - MS-DOS Prompt
Ketik: ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
Ada “reply” dari alamat yang dituju. Host kita terhubung dengan komputer dengan IP yang kita tuju.
Jumlah paket yang dikirim sama dengan yang diterima. Hubungannya baik, tidak ada data hilang.
Perhatikan kecepatan minimum, maksimum, dan rata-rata. Bandingkan dengan kecepatan yang diperoleh untuk PING host lain.
Apabila host yang dituju tidak berada dalam jaringan yang sama (alamat NETWORK berbeda), maka paket data dikirimkan ke GATEWAY untuk diteruskan (ROUTE). Untuk jaringan yang sederhana, biasanya hanya tersedia satu gateway menuju ke jaringan-jaringan lain. Apabila terdapat lebih dari satu gateway, maka diperlukan sebuah tabel yang menyimpan informasi tentang gateway mana yang digunakan untuk mencapai jaringan tertentu.
Utilitas UNIX/MS-WINDOWS: netstat
Netstat digunakan untuk mengetahui status jaringan (netstat singkatan dari network status).
MS-Windows: Start - Program - MS-DOS Prompt
Ketik: netstat -rn
C:\WINDOWS>netstat -rn

Route Table

Active Routes:

Network Address Netmask Gateway Address Interface Metric 1 1

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Apabila sebuah host berada di jaringan yang lain dan tidak dapat dihubungi, kemungkinan terjadi kesalahan dalam tabel routing atau ada hubungan yang terputus di suatu tempat. Perlu dilakukan penelusuran di mana terjadi gangguan menggunakan utilitas TRACEROUTE.
Utilitas UNIX: traceroute
Utilitas MS-Windows: tracert
MS-Windows: Start - Program - MS-DOS Prompt
Ketik: tracert

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 <10 ms 1 ms <10 ms
2 1 ms 2 ms 2 ms
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms

Trace complete.
Entri ini d

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Security Network Computer and of Internet Your?

In a few latter years, growth and usage of technology of Internet fast once. just More and more of business circle, organizational, white colars, education, military, till individual**individual******* use this information technology service which is a more regular recognized by " the Information Superhighway".


In line with growth rate usage of Internet very, hence progressively there are also many applicationses required by consumer, like at application in free trade world by elektronik ( commerce electronic). But, this matter rather than without a hitch badness so that aspect security of computer network ( security network computer) becoming very important and popular and also is a[n absolute requirement or compulsion [in] future <> That way also in action Irak-As, visible of]usage of Internet very wide, start from report pervasion of TV, radio, communications of to warrior, antarsatuan combat, till warfare cyber [in] all area. This is first cyberwar in world where disinformasi is one of the peruntuh of Iraq soldier morale. Pursuant to result research into and survey and also various report concerning badness of computer that happened these days, known that in this time [there] no one even also computer network able to be assumed by 100% of peaceful computer virus attack, spam, e-mail of bomb, or infiltrated direct by all hackers. A experienced hacker easily hacking or enter computer network becoming his goals. Don’t be pursued by fact of the network have had peacemaker system.


Is added again a lot of site web in Internet offering informations concerning how to penetrate computer network ( penetrated) and deceive system security of him ( compromised security). Information " infernal" ad for in the form of program corps, or documentation of utiliti. Is more and more depended by modern society him of Indonesia to Internet disturb writer to try to to give picture in general regarding aspect security of computer network and also grow awareness security for user of Internet. Have many seminars, symposium, and also discussion with especial topic [regarding/ hit] security of computer network. A lot of questions which often pop out like: Is that computer network is peaceful enough? Do peaceful if/when going shopping through the internet without worrying someone steal information concerning our credit card? Do possibly someone know others password and use him without soybean cake? Can someone steal or others file manipulation? Can we have a peaceful communications path [in] Internet? What need to be studied concerning systems firewall, enkripsi, dekripsi, otentifikasi? etcetera. To reply all the questions very depended from his own problems level, very depended to each;every case that happened.


Why security of computer network needed? Description following could probably  answer the the question simply and sensible. Cause, basically all of us wish privasi, security, and safeness in life, included in usage of network of Internet.<> We expect result of work of peaceful us and far possibility stolen, di-copy, or vanished. We also wish security when each other sending e-mail ( mail electronic) without worrying there is irresponsible  ( users malicious) which can read, altering or vanishing e-mail news content. And last, we also wish moment security [do/conduct] purchasing transaction through the internet without having cold feet one can steal information in our credit card so that harm later.


Security of former computer network and now. At period of year 70-an, computer network usually only there are [in] big companies. the Computer network each other connecting each;every department and each;every branch to a operation center ( point control central). During the period understanding of security network also there are, but the principal focus of just for requirement all user in itselves network ( intranet) utilize minimization mount security risk ( risk security). Knowledge and also information concerning how to leak a computer network only known by people segelintir  have special profession to, like consultant network, administrator network, etcetera. Until then a technology of fenomenal so called of Internet appear in year 1974, initiative of Bob Taylor, Director a Body Research Into Departmental Computer Defence of America ( Department Of Defence / dod), in a named by project is Advance of Research Project Agency ( ARPA). Initially, the project prepared to develop;build data communications network of antarpangkalan-pangkalan military, some universities, and joined company is in bond work with Dod. In this time, three a decay later;then, millions of consumer in all the world have exploited the technology. But, besides bringing very positive impact, Internet also have negative impact, like knowledge concerning leaking or meng- crack one computer network have become enough go forward.


Items of can be taken in direct studied last Internet even isn't it, most by [all] adolescent for the agenda of " trying" science which have the acquisition of. The example, only typed word " hacking" at most searcher machines ( engine search) like Yahoo, Google, Alta Vista, Web Crawler, etcetera, each and everyone earn easily get knowledge and information concerning activities hacking. Also the this topic of or classified by]erstwhile problem of secret or supersecret ( secret top) like way assemble explosive or bomb, or assemble fire arm etcetera now can be got in Internet only with mouse meng-click in computer sail. Proven in so many terrorism case like case terorist of Legian, always there exploiting the mentioned for the benefit of or target of his negativity. In this time many there are site- site hidden ( site hidden or of underground site) which do not enlist engine search even also offering immeasurable and information of utiliti program concerning security network able to di-downloaded free of charge, usefulness of to destroy or confuse a computer network system. But, like within reason endless encounter kindliness and badness, hence on the other side knowledge to protect a computer network also expand at full speed. Many Internet situs which also provide and informations of utiliti program to protect computer network, one of  the example are Firewall.

This matter prove that in this time " Internet & Computer Network Securities" becoming cynosure to all consumers of good Internet evaluated from badness side and side kindliness of him. Security pass the way of pengaburan ( obscurity through security). Security system by pengaburan or make ketidakjelasan ( obscurity) use principle that a[n computer network can only be protected as long as there no from outside which enabled know everything concerning internal mechanism of network. A philosophy is which is very liked by many communities, as in military, governance, and industry.<> hidden information concerning the network system assumed or assumed that any him have peaceful, but in fact is not that way. These days all consumers of computer have educated better and soybean cake better also the way of overcoming a[n problems of computer. studied how a computer network and system work, to be added again with existence of transfer of information among humanity consumer of Internet, beside the existence of standardization and openness of desain computer system progressively make the way of the security effective becoming not again.


Evaluating aspect security of computer network. Technically very difficult to evaluate a computer network specificly. That all depended from many matterses, for example to the number of amounts of user or of client in computer networks by various existing points access, later;then model the network of and also version and type of Operating Systems-Nya added with deftness and membership and also knowledge of Administrator system or of Network Administrator-Nya alone. But, easy to and modestly there is a way to evaluate computer network security aspect, that is exploited entire/all or program of utiliti-utiliti concerning hacking ( tools hacking) which there are in Internet. Later;Then isn't it  the computer network so that will earn to be seen hard how negative impacts which generated. Some or programs of utility the for example IP Scanner, IP Sniffer, Network Analyzer, Enamel of Bombs, Spamming, TCP Wrapper, Password Cracking, etcetera. In this way immediately can be seen by ability of the computer network security and security which is often referred by " Security Holes" or " Back Doors". Later;Then immediately can be taken by step of preventif for the memproteksi of computer network. About and hacking of cracking, in general able to isn't it activity of hacking is each;every activity or effort outside or permit of sepengetahuan the owner of network to enter a network and also try to steal file like file of password etcetera.


Or effort for the manipulation of data, stealing important files, or mortify others falsified identity-nya user. Perpetrator of referred as by hacker which consist of a or a group of people which is out for to on an ongoing basis penetrate system peacemaker of system operating a[n computer. All hacker which have experienced earn immediately know weakness of security system ( holes security) in a computer network system. Besides habit of hacker is continuing to look for new knowledge or new goals and they will each other informing one another him. But, basically all real hacker have an eye to to destroy datas in network. They are only trying ability to conquer a[n computer security system for the shake of separate satisfaction. Whereas a or a group of people which (it) is true intentionally intend to destroy and break integrity in all computer system network referred as action and the cracker of named by cracking. In general all cracker after succeeding to come into computer networks will direct  activity of mutilation and crushing of important data till cause chaos to all user in using his computers. Activity of this craker is recognized easy and can is immediately known from impact result of activity which they conduct. Some job/activity way or methods which was often used by and hacker of cracker for example SPOOFING, that is a form activity of forgery where a hacker falsify ( masquerade to) identity a user till he/she succeed by ilegal or logon of login into one computer network impressing like user the genuiness.


SCANNER is a program which automatically will detect weakness ( weaknesses security) a computer in local network ( host local) and or computer in network with other location ( host remote). Therefore, by using this program, a hacker which by fisik reside in English earn easily find weaknesses security at a server in America and or in other world cleft, including in Indonesia, without having to leave his room! SNIFFER is word of is differ from " analyser network" functioning as a means of to monitor computer network. This appliance can be operated almost [at] entire/all protocol type like Ethernet, TCP / ip, IPX, and other. PASSWORD CRACKER is a program able to open enkripsi a password or on the contrary oppositely also to kill system security of password. DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES is a group of special made virus program to  crushing of datas, among others Trojan Horse, Worms, Enamel of Bombs, and Nukes.

computer network protect.

There are some steps able to be used for to protec or improve ability of computer network system protec, for example formulated and make a policy concerning security system which is pledge ( policy security higher) and explain to all consumers concerning their rights and obligations in using network system. Later;Then consultancy with all experts security of computer system to get professional input concerning how to improve ability of system security of network had. newest version installation of or software of utility able to assist to solve problems of security of computer network. Employing a network administrator which have experienced to handle the network. Using system mechanism of authentikasi newest in network ( mechanism authentication advanced).


 Always use technique of enkripsi in each;every the transfer of data communications or data. And do not less important installation a system of Firewall at computer network to protect Proxy Server. Equipments for the memproteksi of computer network. Administator Network or of system administrator of course need various equipments ( tools) to assist to to protect his computer network. Some tools even is (it) is true made special for the agenda of conducting network systems testing to know weakness and strength from a computer network system. Among Others, SATAN ( Security Administrator'S Tool Analysing Network for) later;then there is TCP WRAPPER to monitor last computer network of CRACK to security password testing. FIREWALL, is a system of protec to execute observation of data package traffic going to or leaving a computer network so that data package which have been checked can be accepted or refused or was even modified beforehand before entering or leaving the network.


Although equipments to conduct available hacking in number which many, do not all the equipmentseses can be utilized effectively, even some the equipmentses have date of out in this time so that not such a threat again. But so other equipments still very ampuh as weapon all hacker. Thereby, a consultant network is also required by professional opinion of him and also the aid of to improve total ability entire/all computer network system.don’t less important is to execute data up back by reguler ( daily, weekly, or monthly) to anticipate if/when happened loss or damage entire/all important data which caused by attack of hacker so that easily and quickly can be done by recovery entire/all computer network system. Later;Then all administrator system also have to diligent inform to all consumerses ( user) concerning rights and obligations of in using network. All user require to teach by the way of correctness use computer network safely like how to make password the goodness etcetera. In the end " security" are something which have never there is or will never there is in the world of network of Internet. Because, what we assume peacefully ( secure) at present moment proven*****proven**** will peaceful becoming not ( insecure) at a period of/to to come. Thus in principle Internet security only lah a story which will never end ( Is story never-ending another just It).


The happening of leakage of newest product information which not yet will be publicized, entry of hacker confusing information system in a institution, till the loss of important files of computer system cause attacked by virus make many partys realize what a important him security system of tekonologi or information of IT security. Start from business area, health, education, military, until governance. With precise and competent security system, we can protect various asset of IT our from various trouble menacing. Jimmy Hannytyo Pinontoan in the article of in PCMEDIA ( 28/12/2007) writing, " Security information technology or of IT Security relate at effort protect information technology infrastructure from it is of course, trouble- trouble in the form of accessing forbidden and also un-permitted network utilisasi". Www.Cse-Cst.Gc.Ca Situs mention there is three factor bothering IT security, namely natural event ( events threats natural), event do not terencana ( events threats accidental), and event of terencana ( events threats deliberated). Trouble having the character of natural for example because of weather, animal ( insect, mouse, etc.), earthquake, floods, dsb. Trouble which do not terencana cover the lack of human resource ( past master or thin staff of Security IT), damage of and hardware of software, and also lower electricity him. Whereas trouble of terencana can in the form of sabotage, theft of data / money onlinely, industrial spy / institution, subversion, until terrorism.

Most obvious effect of troubles it is expression and evacuation of information which is not at his place, damage of asset of IT, information modification which do not ought to, lose or incompatibility of information and data, and also abuse of asset. Trouble differing from which was terencana, caused by trouble is natural factor and which do not terencana do not have selected motif. Trouble which is terencana entangle partys which is ugly beritikad like or hackers of crackers. All this hacker have special techniques to launch his action. Do not they seldom paralyse IT security by " senjata" different, but is same generated impact. Therefore, for meminimalisir and parry attack of hacker all consumers of IT require to apply immeasurablely of security technique and take care of his him ( updating).



·         Of Service Denial ( Dos) Pack attack the continuity of activity of service in internet. This matter of more and more happened because website is open door with possibility of abuse. Someone or a group of people easily can fulfill server web with unnecessarily traffic. Target of making the the situs see business so that consumer truthfully need that situs cannot enter.

·         Virus Virus is software able to duplicate computer system and potency gum in with each;every application of software. He attacks to start from sector boot, resident stay and terminate ( TSR), until application software. Virus can cause data stolen / lose, machine mutation, till damage of network. Virus can detect seen symptom like, change of time description and measure / date of file, tardy computer of moment animated and work, failure of system sudden and frekuentatif, change of time system and date of, memory of computer low or arise blocks bad at disk. Way of the anticipation of is limited and conection of download, using just formal media to put into or data of software, arranging control access emphatically. Virus usually cannot show off if application host ( source of application the core important, mis. Program CD) run. Whereas way overcome him is to watch, identifying, and curing isn't it scanners antivirus ( searching viruses recognized) and or monitors antivirus ( searching behavior of virus which related to application), and also try to improve;repair the source of infection .

·         Worms Worm is program which walk self-supporting and go about from one computer to other computer through network which incircuit. Worm multiply x'selves swiftly and make the full of network causing loss and failure in service. Worm also able to contain file infection virus able to computer. Detection and heal of worm similar to virus. But, worm more is bandel compared to virus. Worm still can show off when application host run. To anticipate worm can limited conection and go into effect firewalls.

·         Trojan Horse One of the worm the famousness is Trojan Horse. Mask of Trojan Horse all kinds of. He is pretense can as program which good for. He even also can become virus which intentionally pinned to at especial program which good for overspread. Do not like worm which can duplicate ownself, Trojan Horse require consumer cooperation ( user) because the possibleness of automatic control menerabas. Therefore, the best way to anticipate Trojan Horse is SDM / user which train. Anticipation and detection of Trojan Horse is the same as with and virus of worm. While to overcome him, require to be noted that by to alerting of not solely responsibility of system admin, but also all consumers of network ( users network all).

·         Password Cracking Software Password Cracking Software is software solving enkripsi the on fileness in server. He works better at simple passwords and make all attackers to collect to access to pass valid consumer akun. This matter is possible happened because some users choose password the easyness solved.

·         Snooping Snooping is a[n electronic monitoring to digital network to know other data or password. There is immeasurable of technique of snooping or is also known as by eavesdropping, namely: surfing shoulder ( direct perception to be displayed by someone monitor to obtain;get to access), diving dumpster ( accessing to obtain;get other data and password), ad for sniffing ( perception of electronic to network to express other data or password). Him of is altered scheme encode or use peripheral of monitoring of network to return to guide initialy

·         Masquerade Masquerade is a[n action access others computer system on the pretence of owning formal consumer identity of computer. Prevention of can be done/conducted limited access user to function and network govern administrator and apply high rise level at administrator by masing-masing storey;level have difference of rule. Resistance to masquerade done altered user password or use function of administrator standard to limit dot access, later;then trace to return to guide initialy.



Ten order of situs following can become Your guidance to awake from IT Security attackers

1. Use computer at work You is just for related/relevant work activity

2. Don'T software to instal without ceremony in Your job/activity computer.

3. Use enamel just for communications related to work

4. Don'T have sent sensitive information ( mis. Program plan, enlist [cutomer/ client], dsb.) except as according to policy and regulation of Your department

5. Remember the best of Your password and don't have advised him at whoever. Don'T have writing in paper which is is easy to be found by others

6. Use password the strength between letter character of kapital and small, number, and special character

7. Use software pendeteksi of automatic virus

8. Don'T open enamel of attachments you Which do not wait for

9. Don'T have let Your computer is out of condition for the duration of old ones, without off logging or lock him.

10. Always [do/conduct] logarithm of off, down lock, and up lock before You go.


Besides, if You a leader or manager in place You work, You need to ascertain Your staff accept training which need related to security trouble in information system. You also require to comprehend policy of government referring to Security Information Technology, and also service and product supporting Security Information Technology. If When You wish complete guide men hit IT Security specially for small and medium industry, You can access situs/.
