The happening of leakage of newest product information which not yet will be publicized, entry of hacker confusing information system in a institution, till the loss of important files of computer system cause attacked by virus make many partys realize what a important him security system of tekonologi or information of IT security. Start from business area, health, education, military, until governance. With precise and competent security system, we can protect various asset of IT our from various trouble menacing. Jimmy Hannytyo Pinontoan in the article of in PCMEDIA ( 28/12/2007) writing, " Security information technology or of IT Security relate at effort protect information technology infrastructure from it is of course, trouble- trouble in the form of accessing forbidden and also un-permitted network utilisasi". Www.Cse-Cst.Gc.Ca Situs mention there is three factor bothering IT security, namely natural event ( events threats natural), event do not terencana ( events threats accidental), and event of terencana ( events threats deliberated). Trouble having the character of natural for example because of weather, animal ( insect, mouse, etc.), earthquake, floods, dsb. Trouble which do not terencana cover the lack of human resource ( past master or thin staff of Security IT), damage of and hardware of software, and also lower electricity him. Whereas trouble of terencana can in the form of sabotage, theft of data / money onlinely, industrial spy / institution, subversion, until terrorism.
Most obvious effect of troubles it is expression and evacuation of information which is not at his place, damage of asset of IT, information modification which do not ought to, lose or incompatibility of information and data, and also abuse of asset. Trouble differing from which was terencana, caused by trouble is natural factor and which do not terencana do not have selected motif. Trouble which is terencana entangle partys which is ugly beritikad like or hackers of crackers. All this hacker have special techniques to launch his action. Do not they seldom paralyse IT security by " senjata" different, but is same generated impact. Therefore, for meminimalisir and parry attack of hacker all consumers of IT require to apply immeasurablely of security technique and take care of his him ( updating).
· Of Service Denial ( Dos) Pack attack the continuity of activity of service in internet. This matter of more and more happened because website is open door with possibility of abuse. Someone or a group of people easily can fulfill server web with unnecessarily traffic. Target of making the the situs see business so that consumer truthfully need that situs cannot enter.
· Virus Virus is software able to duplicate computer system and potency gum in with each;every application of software. He attacks to start from sector boot, resident stay and terminate ( TSR), until application software. Virus can cause data stolen / lose, machine mutation, till damage of network. Virus can detect seen symptom like, change of time description and measure / date of file, tardy computer of moment animated and work, failure of system sudden and frekuentatif, change of time system and date of, memory of computer low or arise blocks bad at disk. Way of the anticipation of is limited and conection of download, using just formal media to put into or data of software, arranging control access emphatically. Virus usually cannot show off if application host ( source of application the core important, mis. Program CD) run. Whereas way overcome him is to watch, identifying, and curing isn't it scanners antivirus ( searching viruses recognized) and or monitors antivirus ( searching behavior of virus which related to application), and also try to improve;repair the source of infection .
· Worms Worm is program which walk self-supporting and go about from one computer to other computer through network which incircuit. Worm multiply x'selves swiftly and make the full of network causing loss and failure in service. Worm also able to contain file infection virus able to computer. Detection and heal of worm similar to virus. But, worm more is bandel compared to virus. Worm still can show off when application host run. To anticipate worm can limited conection and go into effect firewalls.
· Trojan Horse One of the worm the famousness is Trojan Horse. Mask of Trojan Horse all kinds of. He is pretense can as program which good for. He even also can become virus which intentionally pinned to at especial program which good for overspread. Do not like worm which can duplicate ownself, Trojan Horse require consumer cooperation ( user) because the possibleness of automatic control menerabas. Therefore, the best way to anticipate Trojan Horse is SDM / user which train. Anticipation and detection of Trojan Horse is the same as with and virus of worm. While to overcome him, require to be noted that by to alerting of not solely responsibility of system admin, but also all consumers of network ( users network all).
· Password Cracking Software Password Cracking Software is software solving enkripsi the on fileness in server. He works better at simple passwords and make all attackers to collect to access to pass valid consumer akun. This matter is possible happened because some users choose password the easyness solved.
· Snooping Snooping is a[n electronic monitoring to digital network to know other data or password. There is immeasurable of technique of snooping or is also known as by eavesdropping, namely: surfing shoulder ( direct perception to be displayed by someone monitor to obtain;get to access), diving dumpster ( accessing to obtain;get other data and password), ad for sniffing ( perception of electronic to network to express other data or password). Him of is altered scheme encode or use peripheral of monitoring of network to return to guide initialy
· Masquerade Masquerade is a[n action access others computer system on the pretence of owning formal consumer identity of computer. Prevention of can be done/conducted limited access user to function and network govern administrator and apply high rise level at administrator by masing-masing storey;level have difference of rule. Resistance to masquerade done altered user password or use function of administrator standard to limit dot access, later;then trace to return to guide initialy.
Ten order of situs following can become Your guidance to awake from IT Security attackers
1. Use computer at work You is just for related/relevant work activity
2. Don'T software to instal without ceremony in Your job/activity computer.
3. Use enamel just for communications related to work
4. Don'T have sent sensitive information ( mis. Program plan, enlist [cutomer/ client], dsb.) except as according to policy and regulation of Your department
5. Remember the best of Your password and don't have advised him at whoever. Don'T have writing in paper which is is easy to be found by others
6. Use password the strength between letter character of kapital and small, number, and special character
7. Use software pendeteksi of automatic virus
8. Don'T open enamel of attachments you Which do not wait for
9. Don'T have let Your computer is out of condition for the duration of old ones, without off logging or lock him.
10. Always [do/conduct] logarithm of off, down lock, and up lock before You go.
Besides, if You a leader or manager in place You work, You need to ascertain Your staff accept training which need related to security trouble in information system. You also require to comprehend policy of government referring to Security Information Technology, and also service and product supporting Security Information Technology. If When You wish complete guide men hit IT Security specially for small and medium industry, You can access situs/.
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